Karcevskij 1928 and
Kawamata 2002

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002

21/05/2016 00:45Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 TANAKA Akio

Sergej Karcevskij declared a conjecture for language's asymmetric structure on the TCLP of the Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1928. I briefly wrote about the conjecture as the following.


Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
From Print 2012, Chapter 18
Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP. Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language. Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language. Why can language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction. Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last years' book Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994. 

The rest is omitted.

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